Bible for a Teenage Girl or Woman
Bible for a Teenage Girl or Woman
Your gift will bless a woman at Lily of the Valleys with her own Bible for use in personal devotions, Bible studies, and group discussions.
Ministry Partner: Lily of the Valleys
Location: Catanduva, Brazil
Lily of the Valleys is a Bible-based residential drug and alcohol care program in Catanduva, Brazil. The ministry helps teenage girls and women escape the prison of addiction to find freedom in Christ. Lily of the Valleys emphasizes the gospel in treatment programs, believing only a new life in Christ can free addicts from spiritual and physical bondage.
As women, young and old, are brought to the facility, they receive counseling and medical care. They also receive spiritual care, being introduced to the love of Christ, to their worth as women created in His image, and the freedom the gospel extends. Over the past 30 years, women have graduated from Lily of the Valleys with testimonies of how the Lord changed their hearts and desires, helped them repent of sin, and gave them satisfaction in Him alone.