Give a gift to ABBS
Give a gift to ABBS
ABBS uses baseball to host Bible studies and build relationships with players while learning the sport. Your gift will be used where it is most needed to support this ministry.
Ministry Partner: Brazilian Baseball Association
Location: São José dos Campos, Brazil
ABBS uses baseball as an opportunity to share the Gospel with at-risk children of São José dos Campos, Brazil. Children from the favelas (slums) attend ABBS’s weekly Bible study and baseball skill training session. Through these sessions, children and their parents learn how to apply God’s Word to their lives. The children also have the opportunity to form safe, Christ-centered friendships within their baseball family. The baseball season was suspended for most of 2020 in Brazil due to the coronavirus pandemic, but ABBS was able to use this time to care for families in need and develop relationships with local churches and businesses. They are praising the Lord that they can restart practices and bring more children into their training programs.