Two Sets of New Clothing for a Slum Child
Two Sets of New Clothing for a Slum Child
CMC distributes clothing to impoverished children during slum visits and at the community center. Your gift ensures a child receives two new clothing outfits.
Ministry Partner: Calvary Mission Center
Location: Nagpur, India
Calvary Mission Center (CMC) focuses on social work projects to bring the gospel to the impoverished areas of Nagpur. Whether it's providing medical exams to orphans, funding a school for destitute children, transporting kids to school in three-wheeled vehicles called rickshaws, or caring for youth with special needs, CMC strives to meet real needs in their community while sharing the gospel and connecting those in the slums with a local church.
Purple Woods is CMC's ministry to disabled children. This vital ministry provides need-based activities to help these children thrive and understand their worth in Christ.